Crystals and Charkas
I quote Anodea Judith, PhD. She speaks beautifully when describing the Wheels of Life (chakras).
"From the great spiral galaxies, thousands of light-years across, to the trillions of atoms swirling in a grain of sand, the universe is composed of spinning wheels of energy. Flowers, tree trunks, planets and people, each made of tiny wheels turning inside, riding upon the great wheel of the earth, spinning in its orbit through space. A fundamental building block of nature, the wheel is the circle of life flowing through all aspects of existence."
The Chakras are fundamental to understanding a holistic way of being and healing. We humans are a big ball of energy. Deeper inside that ball of energy are smaller balls of energy, swirling wheels of life (Chi, Prana, life force). Together, they form who we are and emit a life force field around us (aura, subtle body, energy field).
There are many chakras, but I want to discuss the 7 body chakras that are essential to our well-being.
Here is a diagram showing you where they are located and their corresponding colours and numbers:
When working with the Chakra system, we start at the bottom, with number 1.
The 1st chakra is often called the Base Chakra or Root Chakra.
The importance of this chakra is often overlooked, especially when we're looking for more 'spiritual' enlightenment or guidance. It is believed by many that the higher Chakras are the ones that are going to help with spiritual evolution. This is not so true! For us to evolve 'spiritually', our foundations need to be rock solid. If you can imagine just for a moment that your house is built on dodgy foundations, ones that are weak and unstable…… Understanding that your house may topple down at any time is not rocket science. It is exactly the same as the bodily chakra system. The root chakra, our 1st primary chakra, is the most important. If we have a strong foundation, then all other levels have a stable and secure platform on which to evolve and grow.
The root chakra is located at the base of the spine, on the perineum.
It is primal energy. One of survival.
Who are we? How do we see ourselves? How comfortable are we with our lives? How much energy do we have? How do we relate and connect to the natural world?
The colour associated with this chakra is a deep red colour; other colours, such as black and brown, are also associated with the root chakra. It won't come as a shock to learn that the root chakra is connected to the earth element, and the vibration of this chakra is the slowest of them all.
The adrenal glands (found on top of the kidneys) work with the root chakra, and related parts of the body are the legs, feet, knees, intestine, coccyx, and groin area.
The root chakra works with the endocrine glands, too—the ovaries in women and the testes in men. It really is the foundation of life. The root chakra is all about being grounded in this world and understanding who we really are.
When the root chakra is unbalanced, we can often experience things such as anxiety, a lack of energy or vitality, constipation, problems with the bladder, lower back pain, feet and knee problems, sciatica, varicose veins, obesity and other eating disorders. We can also experience life as though everything is against us, and we can become increasingly defensive and unable to take responsibility for our lives.
When I first learned about the root chakra, one way I learned to connect with this energy was to spend more time in nature and move my physical body more.
There are many ways to work with the root chakra to bring it back to a full, vibrant life. I particularly enjoy dancing, drumming, and stomping on the ground. I was taught this right at the very beginning, and I can't express how life-changing it was.
Any connection with the earth or ground is a really good way to work with the root chakra. Just sitting on the grass, walking barefoot, or actually feeling the earth with your fingers is a way to do this.
Crystals that work well with the root chakra are those of the same associated colour, so any red, black or brown crystals would be perfect. My favourites are Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Garnet, Ruby, Hematite and Blood Stone.
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Moving on to the second chakra, the sacral chakra, which is located between the navel and the genitals—sometimes referred to as the navel centre—the sacral chakra is connected to the water element. The associated glands are the ovaries and testicles, and the related body parts are the womb and the genitals (our reproductive organs), kidneys, bladder, circulatory system, and lower back. The associated colour is Orange.
The sacral chakra is our emotional store bank, and it is the centre of our sexuality.
Physical problems that may arise from an unbalanced sacral chakra are lower back problems, hip or pelvis ailments, kidney & bladder problems, problems with our sexuality and or actual physical dysfunction (sexually), menstruation problems and reproduction difficulties. Emotional problems may show up as an inability to express your emotions or that your emotions are heightened.
There are several physical ways of working with an unbalanced sacral chakra. The ones I particularly enjoy doing are those that involve getting creative. Creativity is a source of life force. I enjoy working with mandalas, creating them from natural sources, especially my crystals. I also enjoy colouring, making things, and listening and dancing to music. Singing is said to be very beneficial too, although I'm not very good at it!
Crystals that work well with the sacral chakra are those of the same associated colour or on that same spectrum. My favourites are Carnelian (my little Duracell battery), Tiger's Eye, Golden Topaz, Honey Calcite, and Moonstone, although not Orange in colour. Moonstone works exceptionally well on the sacral chakra because it resonates with the womb space and the moon. The moon governs our emotions and is a water element; all of these are connected to the Sacral chakra.
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Moving on to the third chakra, the solar plexus, it is located about two to three inches above the navel area and just below our diaphragm. The solar plexus chakra is connected with the fire element. The associated glands are the pancreas and adrenal glands, and the related body parts are the digestive systems: the liver, the gallbladder, the stomach, and the small intestine.
The associated colour is Yellow.
The solar plexus is responsible for those butterfly feelings we get when we're excited or nervous. Physical problems that are related to the solar plexus are ALL digestive problems, dysfunction of the liver, diabetes, IBS, stomach ulcers and eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia.
The solar plexus represents our Will, creativity, vitality, and get up and go.
I've often referred to it as 'my ego', it is my own personal power. This can often be misused, and it shows itself when we mistreat others by being dominating or critical.
Also, a lack of self-confidence, self-esteem problems, and low self-worth are often signs of an unbalanced solar plexus. Although having an awareness of this is beneficial, it would be silly to expect a quick fix by just balancing the solar plexus. Low self-esteem and self-worth are often deep-rooted problems that stretch far back and need more work than a quick chakra balance. Counselling would be most beneficial. That's not to say that working on your solar plexus chakra won't help.
I learned how to breathe correctly when working with the solar plexus chakra. Breathing fully, from down in the belly, filling the lungs, and slowly exhaling are good ways of opening the solar plexus area. Our breathing is often very shallow and restrictive, so try practising by breathing in for the count of 3, 5, or 7 and making the exhale longer than the inhale. Don't get out of breath. Go with your own natural rhythm. Making sure we eat the right food is very important for this chakra. You can see why when you look at the associated physical problems. Toning is also excellent exercise. Toning is where we use our voice to balance our body.
Crystals of the same associated colour work well with the solar plexus. My favourites are Citrine, Amber, and Pyrite.
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Lovingly moving on to the 4th chakra. The Heart Chakra. You won't be surprised if I tell you that the Heart Chakra is located in the centre of the chest area.
The heart chakra is connected with the element of Air. The associated gland is the Thymus gland, which governs our heart, lungs, chest, arms, hands, and fingers. The associated colours are green and pink.
Physical problems related to the heart chakra are shoulder and neck problems, upper back problems, and anything connected to the heart and lungs: lung and heart disease, high blood pressure, blocked arteries, and breathing difficulties such as asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia.
ALL the chakras have an important role to play in our general well-being, but as with the root chakra, I believe the heart chakra is just as important. It is the central balance of our chakra system.
When our heart chakra is unbalanced, it could be for many different reasons. All issues concerning love are looked at here. Perhaps you find it difficult to really love another. How do you feel about yourself? Are you able to receive love? Do you follow your heart's desire? Do you love yourself? Do you take other life for granted? What about nature and the beauty around us? Perhaps you don't like or love yourself too much – in an egotistical, narcissistic way?
In the 'spiritual' world, you will often hear, and most probably, you'll have used the phrase yourself at one point; "love and light"! Divine love is what love and light are about. Love from the source. Knowing that love will conquer all and that all that really matters is love. If we all loved one another, the world would be much better and healthier. Working with the heart chakra when you lack connection to the Divine is an excellent place to start.
The same goes for speaking from the heart and your truth. It is imperative to do this, but only a few of us do it. You'll understand more about the importance of the heart and the throat chakra in a minute (next section). It is very difficult to speak our truth—the truth from our hearts.
When I started out on my 'spiritual' path (my natural path), I found working with the heart centre the hardest. It wasn't until I began to balance and open my heart that I realised how amazing life can be.
Do things that make your heart sing, spend time with loved ones, sing, dance, jump for joy….. Breathing and meditation are excellent exercises when working with the heart chakra.
Crystals that work well with the heart chakra are those of the same associated colour. From my experiences, there is a specific difference between green and pink energy.
I associate the green-ray with love for our mother, Mother Earth. Love for our four-legged friends and the tall ones, the trees. Love for all things natural. Love for nature in all shapes and forms. We need to understand how our earth mother keeps us alive, understand that all living beings depend on something or someone, and all of these go back to the source itself, Mother Earth! This beautiful planet is one that we are blessed to be living on. During difficult times such as these, it is crucial to stay connected to the source of love and be grateful for all it provides. The green vibration helps us here.
The pink vibration is directed more towards your love for yourself and all things in your life. When I first started working with Rose Quartz, I was totally unprepared. I found it heart-wrenching; I couldn't stop crying for what seemed like a whole week! I really wasn't prepared for it. It makes me chuckle when people say how lovely Rose Quartz looks, I want to say to them…." Don't be fooled; it's a badass!" Joking aside, I believe Rose Quartz is one of the most important stones for anyone to have in their collection.
My favourite green heart chakra crystals are Green Apophyllite, Green Aventurine, Malachite (deep healing), Watermelon Tourmaline, Moss Agate and Jade to mention just a few. My favourite pinks are Rhodochrosite, Watermelon Tourmaline, Kunzite and Rose Quartz (yes, I ultimately fell in love with it).
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Moving on to the 5th chakra, the throat chakra is located in the hollow of your neck, at the bottom of your throat. The associated glands are the thyroid and the parathyroid. The related body parts are the neck, shoulder, arms, hands, ears, mouth, teeth, gums, respiratory tract, and digestive tract. The colour associated with the throat chakra is blue.
Related physical problems could be sore throats, a stiff neck, colds, thyroid problems, hearing problems, headaches and other throat problems such as laryngitis.
Are you prone to overexaggerating? Do you find it difficult to tell the truth? Can you communicate what you want? From your heart? If we want to speak from the heart, we need to be able to communicate this clearly, with honesty and integrity. It is much easier to do this if our throat chakra is in alignment with our heart's desire.
Everything we say has an effect. We need to be careful of the vibration that our communication creates. A balanced throat chakra will help with ALL sorts of communication.
You can work with this chakra by using toning exercises, singing, chanting, and telling yourself that you love yourself and that you are beautiful. Meditation and visualisation are also very powerful tools.
Crystals of the same associated colour work well with the throat chakra. My favourites are Blue Lace Agate, Aquamarine, and Turquoise.
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We're now at the sixth chakra, the third eye chakra, which is located in the middle of the brow and up by about half an inch. The associated gland is the Pineal gland, and the related body parts are the eyes, nervous system, brain, ears, and nose. The colour of the third eye chakra is Indigo, Purple, Blue, and Violet.
Related physical problems could be blindness, headaches, nightmares, eyestrain, blurred vision, brain disease, mental health and neurological disorders.
There may be other problems, such as mental health difficulties, like depression, psychotic episodes, and manic depression…...
When I first started to learn to meditate, it was working with the third eye chakra that allowed me to connect at a deeper level. The third eye can help us visualise our heart's desire. It can help us see which path we need to take. If you work with visualisation techniques, your third eye will offer you a real insight into the 'truth' you need to know at this time. A fully functioning third eye chakra will help you see what's really going on around you. You will have much more precise and stronger intuition.
Of course, mediation and visualisations are ways to work with the third eye. Mandala work is also very beneficial.
Crystals that work well with the third eye chakra are those of the same associated colour. My favourite being Iolite, Azurite, Sodalite and Amethyst.
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And finally, we reach the 7th chakra. The Crown Chakra. Located on top of the head. The gland associated with the crown chakra is the pituitary gland. The related body parts are the cerebral cortex, the central nervous system, the brain, and the skeletal and muscular systems. The colour of the crown chakra is White, Gold and Violet,
Related physical problems could be depression, confusion, ME, MS, nervous system problems, a lack of interest, inability to learn and boredom.
It took me a very long time to work with the crown chakra. I never really enjoyed the high vibration that can be felt. Still, once I learned to ground myself properly over time, working with the crown chakra was much easier and more enjoyable. It is essential to connect with the 'divine source', and we can only really do that if we open ourselves to that vibration, which comes from above. It comes down from the heavens and into our crown chakras. If we're grounded and open, the connection can be wonderful. It can be peaceful, and contentment can easily be found.
If we lose our way and feel disconnected from spirit or source, our crown chakra isn't balanced and cannot turn freely.
Meditation can aid you in working in more depth with the crown chakra.
Crystals of the same associated colour work well with the crown chakra. My favourites are Quartz, Apophyllite, and Amethyst.
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