Abalone Shell
Lovely Abalone Shells, they measure approx: 5.5inch to 6inch
When I first learnt about the effects of White Sage and the ceremonial and ritual aspect of the practice, it became a very important part of my own 'spiritual' being. It's hard to describe, but it's a very important part of my life now. I think once you start (if you haven't already), you will also feel a strong connection to something quite magical and sacred.
The ritual of smudging with White Sage goes way back in history. A custom of Native American and other indigenous cultures. Different cultures have used smudging to create a cleansing smoke bath used to purify the body and its energy field (aura). It is used to remove lingering energy from anywhere or anything. It is also used for grounding and healing.
My teachings taught me that smudging calls on the spirits of the sacred plants. Plants such as Sage, Cedar, Sweetgrass and Tobacco are burned, and the smoke is directed with a feather. Sage clears the energy, Cedar brings balance and gives a gentle cleanse, Sweetgrass calls in the spirit that loves and cares for people, Tobacco takes your prayers and intentions straight to where you want them to go.
The White Sage is placed in a shell or other fireproof bowl and ignited. Some cultures use only shells such as Abalone, believing the shell, an element of water, balances fire, air, and earth elements.
Move the smoke around with the feather, or your hand if you wish.
Blowing on the mixture is not advised as it is seen as blowing one's negativity into the mixture and blowing away the plant's effectiveness (not to mention the potential danger of blowing a glowing ember onto something flammable). The smoke is then wafted around the body, any objects, crystals etc. and the environment, creating a bath of smoke.
In native cultures, birds are highly respected because of their closeness to Grandfather Creator in the heavens. It is believed the feather possesses the spirit qualities of the bird to be the breath of life, whilst connecting us to the heavens above and mother earth below. Because of how they are constructed, it is believed that feathers can comb someone's energy or aura of blockages, therefore, aiding in the smudging ceremony or ritual. You will often see healers using feathers as healing tools.
When smudging or burning any sacred herb or plant, be mindful. Try to use clear intention, know why you are using the herb, and focus on this reason.
Even without intention, White Sage has the properties to clear you and any space BUT it is much more effective if you hold the space with intent.

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